Fun Facts
- *Was born in eastern Germany when the Wall was still up.
- *Speaks Dutch from the time she participated in Horse Back Riding Championships in NL.
- *Sings 90’s songs out loud under her helmet.
- *Listens to about one audio book each week while riding to work.
- *Makes the best Apple-Crumble-Cheesecake.
Motorcycling and traveling in Africa have always been things I wanted to do. It’s been these “one day, I might” thoughts for me. Starting to ride my own motorcycle has opened up a whole new world to me. This hobby turned into a lifestyle and enabled my personality to flourish in new ways. I have no doubt, this entire trip will change a lot more for me. I am excited to share this experience with an interested audience, possibly inspireing more people to dare to step out of their comfortzone once a while.